Wheat, 16 Variety Grex
(120 days from fall planting) Triticum aestivum
Thanks to Utah seedsman Joseph Lofthouse who compiled this initial population from 16 distinct varieties of spring soft wheat. If you have been curious about trying to grow some of your own grain, wheat is an easy to grow place to start. Wheat is the planet’s most widely grown crop. As a “grex” this is a synthetic cross of diverse yet related varieties that constitute a wide cross section of traits that would have the ability to adapt more readily than a single specific variety. Grows to about 36” tall. Best fall planted in more mild winter areas such as the Pacific Northwest as it can be grown without irrigation, drying down with the early summer heat for a mid July harvest. Can also be spring sown, but yields may be less. SSF.
Packet (½ ounce)