Curcibita Maxima (100-110 days)
The Sibley Squash, which is also known as Pike’s Peak, was obtained from an elderly woman in Van Dinam, Iowa who had grown it for more than fifty years. Hiram Sibley & Company of Rochester, New York introduced it commercially in 1887. It is a hubbard type squash with moderately vigorous 12-15 foot vines. The slate blue teardrop-shaped fruits have very shallow ribs and weigh from 8-10 pounds. Its medium-thick orange flesh is flavorful and sweet. The flesh becomes drier and richer with storage, reaching its peak right after turn of the New Year. This seed was grown by Ben Yohai of Wandering Fields Farm in Applegate, Oregon. Ben also sells the fruits at local growers markets to customers who give it rave reviews. Part of the Slow Food Movements “Ark of Taste” Heirlooms.
Packet: (6 g ≈ 30 seeds)
1 oz