Cucurbita Maxima (90 days)
Good ideas have to start somewhere…this project started as a taste bud love affair with the excellent variety Sunshine (F1), a delicious orange skinned squash developed by Rob Johnston. With the dream of culturing this strain into an open pollinated variety, we offer this stabilized (F6) open pollinated strain. We love the flavor of this productive and tasty squash. This heirloom of tomorrow in the making is a Siskiyou Seeds farm original bred by Don Tipping
An interesting agronomic note on this variety and other cucurbit seeds that we grow here at Siskiyou Seeds is that we have not used floating row covers to protect young plants from cucumber beetle damage (which is standard practice on nearly all small farms in our area). Our aim is to breed for and select for plants that are naturally resistant to cucumber beetles and a decade into doing this it seems to be working!
Open Seed Source Initiative pledged & Siskiyou Select Original
Packet (5 g ≈ 30 seeds)
1 oz